Source code for

import base64
import hashlib
import hmac

from datetime import timedelta
from flask_unchained import Service, current_app, injectable
from itsdangerous import BadSignature, SignatureExpired

[docs]class SecurityUtilsService(Service): """ The security utils service. Mainly contains lower-level encryption/token handling code. """ security = injectable user_manager = injectable
[docs] def get_hmac(self, password): """ Returns a Base64 encoded HMAC+SHA512 of the password signed with the salt specified by ``SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT``. :param password: The password to sign. """ salt = current_app.config.SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT if salt is None: raise RuntimeError( 'The configuration value `SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT` must ' 'not be None when the value of `SECURITY_PASSWORD_HASH` is ' 'set to "%s"' % h =, encode_string(password), hashlib.sha512) return base64.b64encode(h.digest())
[docs] def get_auth_token(self, user): """ Returns the user's authentication token. """ data = [str(,] return
[docs] def verify_password(self, user, password): """ Returns ``True`` if the password is valid for the specified user. Additionally, the hashed password in the database is updated if the hashing algorithm happens to have changed. :param user: The user to verify against :param password: The plaintext password to verify """ if self.use_double_hash(user.password): verified = self.get_hmac(password), user.password) else: # Try with original password. verified =, user.password) if verified and user.password = password return verified
[docs] def hash_password(self, password): """ Hash the specified plaintext password. It uses the configured hashing options. :param password: The plaintext password to hash """ if self.use_double_hash(): password = self.get_hmac(password).decode('ascii') return password, **current_app.config.SECURITY_PASSWORD_HASH_OPTIONS.get( current_app.config.SECURITY_PASSWORD_HASH, {}))
[docs] def hash_data(self, data): """ Hash data in the security token hashing context. """ return
[docs] def verify_hash(self, hashed_data, compare_data): """ Verify a hash in the security token hashing context. """ return encode_string(compare_data), hashed_data)
[docs] def use_double_hash(self, password_hash=None): """ Return a bool indicating whether a password should be hashed twice. """ single_hash = current_app.config.SECURITY_PASSWORD_SINGLE_HASH if single_hash and raise RuntimeError('You may not specify a salt with ' 'SECURITY_PASSWORD_SINGLE_HASH') if password_hash is None: is_plaintext = == 'plaintext' else: is_plaintext = \ == 'plaintext' return not (is_plaintext or single_hash)
[docs] def generate_confirmation_token(self, user): """ Generates a unique confirmation token for the specified user. :param user: The user to work with """ data = [str(, self.hash_data(] return
[docs] def confirm_email_token_status(self, token): """ Returns the expired status, invalid status, and user of a confirmation token. For example:: expired, invalid, user = confirm_email_token_status('...') :param token: The confirmation token """ expired, invalid, user, token_data = self.get_token_status( token, 'confirm', 'SECURITY_CONFIRM_EMAIL_WITHIN', return_data=True) if not invalid and user: _, token_email_hash = token_data invalid = not self.verify_hash(token_email_hash, return expired, invalid, user
[docs] def generate_reset_password_token(self, user): """ Generates a unique reset password token for the specified user. :param user: The user to work with """ password_hash = self.hash_data(user.password) if user.password else None data = [str(, password_hash] return
[docs] def reset_password_token_status(self, token): """ Returns the expired status, invalid status, and user of a password reset token. For example:: expired, invalid, user, data = reset_password_token_status('...') :param token: The password reset token """ expired, invalid, user, data = self.get_token_status( token, 'reset', 'SECURITY_RESET_PASSWORD_WITHIN', return_data=True) if (not invalid and user.password and not self.verify_hash(data[1], user.password)): invalid = True return expired, invalid, user
[docs] def get_token_status(self, token, serializer, max_age=None, return_data=False): """ Get the status of a token. :param token: The token to check :param serializer: The name of the serializer. Can be one of the following: ``confirm``, ``login``, ``reset`` :param max_age: The name of the max age config option. Can be one of the following: ``SECURITY_CONFIRM_EMAIL_WITHIN`` or ``SECURITY_RESET_PASSWORD_WITHIN`` """ serializer = getattr(, serializer + '_serializer') td = self.get_within_delta(max_age) max_age = td.seconds + td.days * 24 * 3600 user, data = None, None expired, invalid = False, False try: data = serializer.loads(token, max_age=max_age) except SignatureExpired: _, data = serializer.loads_unsafe(token) expired = True except (BadSignature, TypeError, ValueError): invalid = True if data: user = self.user_manager.get(data[0]) expired = expired and (user is not None) if return_data: return expired, invalid, user, data else: return expired, invalid, user
[docs] def get_within_delta(self, key): """ Get a timedelta object from the application configuration following the internal convention of:: <Amount of Units> <Type of Units> Examples of valid config values:: 5 days 10 minutes :param key: The config value key """ txt = current_app.config.get(key) values = txt.split() return timedelta(**{values[1]: int(values[0])})
# FIXME-identity @staticmethod def get_identity_attributes(): attrs = current_app.config.SECURITY_USER_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTES try: attrs = [f.strip() for f in attrs.split(',')] except AttributeError: pass return attrs # FIXME-identity def user_loader(self, user_identifier): try: user_identifier = int(user_identifier) except (ValueError, TypeError): for attr in self.get_identity_attributes(): user = self.user_manager.get_by(**{attr: user_identifier}) if user: return user else: return self.user_manager.get(user_identifier)
def encode_string(string): """Encodes a string to bytes, if it isn't already. :param string: The string to encode""" if isinstance(string, str): string = string.encode('utf-8') return string