Source code for flask_unchained.bundles

import importlib
import os

from types import FunctionType
from typing import *

from ..flask_unchained import FlaskUnchained
from ..string_utils import right_replace, slugify, snake_case
from ..unchained import unchained

def _normalize_module_name(module_name):
    if module_name.endswith('.bundle'):
        return right_replace(module_name, '.bundle', '')
    return module_name

class BundleMetaclass(type):
    def __new__(mcs, name, bases, clsdict):
        # check if the user explicitly set module_name
        module_name = clsdict.get('module_name')
        if isinstance(module_name, str):
            clsdict['module_name'] = _normalize_module_name(module_name)
        return super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, clsdict)

class _BundleModuleNameDescriptor:
    def __get__(self, instance, cls):
        return _normalize_module_name(cls.__module__)

    def __set__(self, instance, value):
        raise AttributeError

class _BundleIsSingleModuleDescriptor:
    def __get__(self, instance, cls):
        return not importlib.util.find_spec(cls.module_name).submodule_search_locations

    def __set__(self, instance, value):
        raise AttributeError

class _BundleRootPathDescriptor:
    def __get__(self, instance, cls):
        module = importlib.import_module(cls.module_name)
        return os.path.dirname(module.__file__)

    def __set__(self, instance, value):
        raise AttributeError

class _BundleNameDescriptor:
    def __init__(self, *, strip_bundle_suffix: bool = False):
        self.strip_bundle_suffix = strip_bundle_suffix

    def __get__(self, instance, cls):
        if self.strip_bundle_suffix:
            return snake_case(right_replace(cls.__name__, 'Bundle', ''))
        return snake_case(cls.__name__)

class _BundleStaticFolderDescriptor:
    def __get__(self, instance, cls):
        if cls.is_single_module and issubclass(cls, AppBundle):
            return None  # this would be the same as the top-level static folder registered with Flask
        if not hasattr(instance, '_static_folder'):
            instance._static_folder = os.path.join(instance.root_path, 'static')
            if not os.path.exists(instance._static_folder):
                instance._static_folder = None
        return instance._static_folder

class _BundleStaticUrlPathDescriptor:
    def __get__(self, instance, cls):
        if instance._static_folders:
            return f'/{slugify(}/static'

class _BundleTemplateFolderDescriptor:
    def __get__(self, instance, cls):
        if not hasattr(instance, '_template_folder'):
            instance._template_folder = os.path.join(instance.root_path, 'templates')
            if not os.path.exists(instance._template_folder):
                instance._template_folder = None
        return instance._template_folder

[docs]class Bundle(metaclass=BundleMetaclass): """ Base class for bundles. Should be placed in your package's root or its ``bundle`` module:: # your_bundle_package/ or your_bundle_package/ class YourBundle(Bundle): pass """ name: str = _BundleNameDescriptor(strip_bundle_suffix=False) """ Name of the bundle. Defaults to the snake_cased class name. """ module_name: str = _BundleModuleNameDescriptor() """ Top-level module name of the bundle (dot notation). Automatically determined; read-only. """ root_path: str = _BundleRootPathDescriptor() """ Root directory path of the bundle's package. Automatically determined; read-only. """ template_folder: Optional[str] = _BundleTemplateFolderDescriptor() """ Root directory path of the bundle's template folder. By default, if there exists a folder named ``templates`` in the bundle package :attr:`~flask_unchained.Bundle.root_path`, it will be used, otherwise ``None``. """ static_folder: Optional[str] = _BundleStaticFolderDescriptor() """ Root directory path of the bundle's static assets folder. By default, if there exists a folder named ``static`` in the bundle package :attr:`~flask_unchained.Bundle.root_path`, it will be used, otherwise ``None``. """ static_url_path: Optional[str] = _BundleStaticUrlPathDescriptor() """ Url path where this bundle's static assets will be served from. If :attr:`~flask_unchained.Bundle.static_folder` is set, this will default to ``/<>/static``, otherwise ``None``. """ is_single_module: bool = _BundleIsSingleModuleDescriptor() """ Whether or not the bundle is a single module (Python file). Automatically determined; read-only. """ default_load_from_module_name: Optional[str] = None """ The default module name for hooks to load from. Set hooks' bundle modules override attributes for the modules you want in separate files. .. admonition:: WARNING - EXPERIMENTAL :class: danger Using this feature may cause mysterious exceptions to be thrown!! Best practice is to organize your code in separate modules. """ _deferred_functions: List[FunctionType] = [] """ Deferred functions to be registered with the :class:`~flask_unchained.bundles.controller.bundle_blueprint.BundleBlueprint` that gets created for this bundle. The :class:`~flask_unchained.Unchained` extension copies these values from the :class:`DeferredBundleBlueprintFunctions` instance it created for this bundle. """
[docs] def before_init_app(self, app: FlaskUnchained) -> None: """ Override this method to perform actions on the :class:`~flask_unchained.FlaskUnchained` app instance *before* the ``unchained`` extension has initialized the application. """ pass
[docs] def after_init_app(self, app: FlaskUnchained) -> None: """ Override this method to perform actions on the :class:`~flask_unchained.FlaskUnchained` app instance *after* the ``unchained`` extension has initialized the application. """ pass
def _iter_class_hierarchy(self, include_self: bool = True, mro: bool = False): """ Iterate over the bundle classes in the hierarchy. Yields base-most instances first (aka opposite of Method Resolution Order). For internal use only. :param include_self: Whether or not to yield the top-level bundle. :param mro: Pass True to yield bundles in Method Resolution Order. """ supers = self.__class__.__mro__[(0 if include_self else 1):] for bundle_cls in (supers if mro else reversed(supers)): if bundle_cls not in {object, AppBundle, Bundle}: if bundle_cls == self.__class__: yield self else: yield bundle_cls() @property def _has_views(self) -> bool: """ Returns True if any of the bundles in the hierarchy has a views module. For internal use only. """ if self.is_single_module and isinstance(self, AppBundle): return True from ..hooks.views_hook import ViewsHook for bundle in self._iter_class_hierarchy(): if ViewsHook.import_bundle_modules(bundle): return True return False @property def _blueprint_name(self) -> str: """ Get the name to use for the blueprint for this bundle. For internal use only. """ if self._is_top_bundle or not self._has_hierarchy_name_conflicts: return for i, bundle in enumerate(self._iter_class_hierarchy()): if bundle.__class__ == self.__class__: return f'{}_{i}' @property def _static_folders(self) -> List[str]: """ Get the list of static folders for this bundle. For internal use only. """ if not self._has_hierarchy_name_conflicts: return [self.static_folder] if self.static_folder else [] elif not self._is_top_bundle: return [] return [b.static_folder for b in self._iter_class_hierarchy(mro=True) if b.static_folder and ==] @property def _is_top_bundle(self) -> bool: """ Whether or not this bundle is the top-most bundle in the hierarchy. For internal use only. """ return not self.__class__.__subclasses__() @property def _has_hierarchy_name_conflicts(self) -> bool: """ Whether or not there are any name conflicts between bundles in the hierarchy. For internal use only. """ top_bundle = self.__class__ subclasses = top_bundle.__subclasses__() while subclasses: top_bundle = subclasses[0] subclasses = top_bundle.__subclasses__() return any( == and b.__class__ != self.__class__ for b in top_bundle()._iter_class_hierarchy()) def __getattr__(self, name): if name in {'before_request', 'after_request', 'teardown_request', 'context_processor', 'url_defaults', 'url_value_preprocessor', 'errorhandler'}: from warnings import warn warn('The app has already been initialized. Please register ' f'{name} sooner.') return raise AttributeError(name) def __repr__(self) -> str: return (f'<{self.__class__.__name__} ' f'name={!r} ' f'module={self.module_name!r}>')
class AppBundleMetaclass(BundleMetaclass): """ Metaclass for :class:`~flask_unchained.AppBundle` to automatically set the user's subclass on the :class:`~flask_unchained.Unchained` extension instance. """ def __init__(cls, name, bases, clsdict): super().__init__(name, bases, clsdict) unchained._app_bundle_cls = cls
[docs]class AppBundle(Bundle, metaclass=AppBundleMetaclass): """ Like :class:`~flask_unchained.Bundle`, except used for the top-most application bundle. """ name: str = _BundleNameDescriptor(strip_bundle_suffix=True) """ Name of the bundle. Defaults to the snake_cased class name, excluding any "Bundle" suffix. """
__all__ = [ 'AppBundle', 'AppBundleMetaclass', 'Bundle', 'BundleMetaclass', ]