Source code for

from datetime import timedelta
from flask import current_app as app, session
from flask_login.signals import user_logged_in
from flask_login.utils import logout_user as _logout_user
from flask_principal import Identity, AnonymousIdentity, identity_changed
from flask_unchained import url_for, lazy_gettext as _
from flask_unchained.bundles.mail import Mail
from flask_unchained import Service, injectable
from typing import *

from .security_utils_service import SecurityUtilsService
from .user_manager import UserManager
from ..exceptions import AuthenticationError
from ..extensions import Security
from ..models import User
from ..signals import (
    confirm_instructions_sent, reset_password_instructions_sent,
    password_changed, password_reset, user_confirmed, user_registered)

[docs]class SecurityService(Service): """ The security service. Contains shared business logic that doesn't belong in controllers, but isn't so low level that it belongs in :class:``. """ security: Security = injectable security_utils_service: SecurityUtilsService = injectable user_manager: UserManager = injectable # the mail extension is an optional dependency # it will get injected if it's installed, and ignored if not. # FIXME: this only works because of how services get instantiated by # unchained._init_services, and it will *not* work anywhere else. # FIXME: should probably make it work everywhere, and document its existence def __init__(self, mail: Optional[Mail] = None): self.mail = mail
[docs] def login_user(self, user: User, remember: Optional[bool] = None, duration: Optional[timedelta] = None, force: bool = False, fresh: bool = True, ) -> bool: """ Logs a user in. You should pass the actual user object to this. If the user's `is_active` property is ``False``, they will not be logged in unless `force` is ``True``. This will return ``True`` if the log in attempt succeeds, and ``False`` if it fails (i.e. because the user is inactive). :param user: The user object to log in. :type user: object :param remember: Whether to remember the user after their session expires. Defaults to ``False``. :type remember: bool :param duration: The amount of time before the remember cookie expires. If ``None`` the value set in the settings is used. Defaults to ``None``. :type duration: :class:`datetime.timedelta` :param force: If the user is inactive, setting this to ``True`` will log them in regardless. Defaults to ``False``. :type force: bool :param fresh: setting this to ``False`` will log in the user with a session marked as not "fresh". Defaults to ``True``. :type fresh: bool """ # this method's logic is modified from flask_login.utils.login_user if not force: if not user.is_active: raise AuthenticationError( _('')) if ( and not user.confirmed_at and not raise AuthenticationError( _('')) if not user.password: raise AuthenticationError( _('')) session['_user_id'] = getattr(user, session['_fresh'] = fresh session['_id'] = app.login_manager._session_identifier_generator() if remember is None: remember = app.config.SECURITY_DEFAULT_REMEMBER_ME if remember: session['_remember'] = 'set' if duration is not None: try: session['_remember_seconds'] = duration.total_seconds() except AttributeError: raise Exception('duration must be a datetime.timedelta, ' 'instead got: {0}'.format(duration)) user_logged_in.send(app._get_current_object(), user=user) identity_changed.send(app._get_current_object(), identity=Identity( return True
[docs] def logout_user(self): """ Logs out the current user and cleans up the remember me cookie (if any). Sends signal `identity_changed` (from flask_principal). Sends signal `user_logged_out` (from flask_login). """ for key in ('', 'identity.auth_type'): session.pop(key, None) _logout_user() identity_changed.send(app._get_current_object(), identity=AnonymousIdentity())
[docs] def register_user(self, user, allow_login=None, send_email=None, _force_login_without_confirmation=False): """ Service method to register a user. Sends signal `user_registered`. Returns True if the user has been logged in, False otherwise. """ should_login_user = (not or or _force_login_without_confirmation) should_login_user = (should_login_user if allow_login is None else allow_login and should_login_user) if should_login_user: user.is_active = True # confirmation token depends on having set, which requires # the user be committed to the database, commit=True) confirmation_link, token = None, None if and not _force_login_without_confirmation: token = self.security_utils_service.generate_confirmation_token(user) confirmation_link = url_for('security_controller.confirm_email', token=token, _external=True) user_registered.send(app._get_current_object(), user=user, confirm_token=token) if (send_email or ( send_email is None and app.config.SECURITY_SEND_REGISTER_EMAIL)): self.send_mail(_(''),, template='security/email/welcome.html', user=user, confirmation_link=confirmation_link) if should_login_user: return self.login_user(user, force=_force_login_without_confirmation) return False
[docs] def change_password(self, user, password, send_email=None): """ Service method to change a user's password. Sends signal `password_changed`. :param user: The :class:`User`'s password to change. :param password: The new password. :param send_email: Whether or not to override the config option ``SECURITY_SEND_PASSWORD_CHANGED_EMAIL`` and force either sending or not sending an email. """ user.password = password if send_email or (app.config.SECURITY_SEND_PASSWORD_CHANGED_EMAIL and send_email is None): self.send_mail( _(''),, template='security/email/password_changed_notice.html', user=user) password_changed.send(app._get_current_object(), user=user)
[docs] def reset_password(self, user, password): """ Service method to reset a user's password. The same as :meth:`change_password` except we this method sends a different notification email. Sends signal `password_reset`. :param user: :param password: :return: """ user.password = password if app.config.SECURITY_SEND_PASSWORD_RESET_NOTICE_EMAIL: self.send_mail( _(''),, template='security/email/password_reset_notice.html', user=user) password_reset.send(app._get_current_object(), user=user)
[docs] def send_email_confirmation_instructions(self, user): """ Sends the confirmation instructions email for the specified user. Sends signal `confirm_instructions_sent`. :param user: The user to send the instructions to. """ token = self.security_utils_service.generate_confirmation_token(user) confirmation_link = url_for('security_controller.confirm_email', token=token, _external=True) self.send_mail( _(''),, template='security/email/email_confirmation_instructions.html', user=user, confirmation_link=confirmation_link) confirm_instructions_sent.send(app._get_current_object(), user=user, token=token)
[docs] def send_reset_password_instructions(self, user): """ Sends the reset password instructions email for the specified user. Sends signal `reset_password_instructions_sent`. :param user: The user to send the instructions to. """ token = self.security_utils_service.generate_reset_password_token(user) reset_link = url_for('security_controller.reset_password', token=token, _external=True) self.send_mail( _(''),, template='security/email/reset_password_instructions.html', user=user, reset_link=reset_link) reset_password_instructions_sent.send(app._get_current_object(), user=user, token=token)
[docs] def confirm_user(self, user): """ Confirms the specified user. Returns False if the user has already been confirmed, True otherwise. :param user: The user to confirm. """ if user.confirmed_at is not None: return False user.confirmed_at = user.is_active = True user_confirmed.send(app._get_current_object(), user=user) return True
[docs] def send_mail(self, subject, to, template, **template_ctx): """ Utility method to send mail with the `mail` template context. """ if not self.mail: from warnings import warn warn('Attempting to send mail without the mail bundle installed! ' 'Please install it, or fix your configuration.') return self.mail.send(subject, to, template, **dict( **'mail'), **template_ctx))