Source code for

from flask import Request
from flask_login import LoginManager
from flask_principal import Principal, Identity, UserNeed, RoleNeed, identity_loaded
from flask_unchained import FlaskUnchained, injectable, lazy_gettext as _
from flask_unchained.utils import ConfigProperty, ConfigPropertyMetaclass
from itsdangerous import URLSafeTimedSerializer
from passlib.context import CryptContext
from types import FunctionType
from typing import *

from ..models import AnonymousUser, User
from ..utils import current_user
from import SecurityUtilsService
from import UserManager

class _SecurityConfigProperties(metaclass=ConfigPropertyMetaclass):
    __config_prefix__ = 'SECURITY'

    changeable: bool = ConfigProperty()
    confirmable: bool = ConfigProperty()
    login_without_confirmation: bool = ConfigProperty()
    recoverable: bool = ConfigProperty()
    registerable: bool = ConfigProperty()

    token_authentication_header: str = ConfigProperty()
    token_authentication_key: str = ConfigProperty()
    token_max_age: str = ConfigProperty()

    password_hash: str = ConfigProperty()
    password_salt: str = ConfigProperty()

    datetime_factory: FunctionType = ConfigProperty()
    _unauthorized_callback: FunctionType = \

[docs]class Security(_SecurityConfigProperties): """ The `Security` extension:: from import security """ def __init__(self): self._context_processors = {} self._send_mail_task = None # injected services self.security_utils_service = None self.user_manager = None # remaining properties are all set by `self.init_app` self.confirm_serializer = None self.hashing_context = None self.login_manager = None self.principal = None self.pwd_context = None self.remember_token_serializer = None self.reset_serializer = None def init_app(self, app: FlaskUnchained): # NOTE: the order of these `self.get_*` calls is important! self.confirm_serializer = self._get_serializer(app, 'confirm') self.hashing_context = self._get_hashing_context(app) self.login_manager = self._get_login_manager( app, app.config.SECURITY_ANONYMOUS_USER) self.principal = self._get_principal(app) self.pwd_context = self._get_pwd_context(app) self.remember_token_serializer = self._get_serializer(app, 'remember') self.reset_serializer = self._get_serializer(app, 'reset') self.context_processor(lambda: dict(security=_SecurityConfigProperties())) # FIXME: should this be easier to customize for end users, perhaps by making # FIXME: the function come from a config setting? identity_loaded.connect_via(app)(self._on_identity_loaded) app.extensions['security'] = self def inject_services(self, security_utils_service: SecurityUtilsService = injectable, user_manager: UserManager = injectable): self.security_utils_service = security_utils_service self.user_manager = user_manager ###################################################### # public api to register template context processors # ######################################################
[docs] def context_processor(self, fn): """ Add a context processor that runs for every view with a template in the security bundle. :param fn: A function that returns a dictionary of template context variables. """ self._add_ctx_processor(None, fn)
[docs] def forgot_password_context_processor(self, fn): """ Add a context processor for the :meth:`SecurityController.forgot_password` view. :param fn: A function that returns a dictionary of template context variables. """ self._add_ctx_processor('forgot_password', fn)
[docs] def login_context_processor(self, fn): """ Add a context processor for the :meth:`SecurityController.login` view. :param fn: A function that returns a dictionary of template context variables. """ self._add_ctx_processor('login', fn)
[docs] def register_context_processor(self, fn): """ Add a context processor for the :meth:`SecurityController.register` view. :param fn: A function that returns a dictionary of template context variables. """ self._add_ctx_processor('register', fn)
[docs] def reset_password_context_processor(self, fn): """ Add a context processor for the :meth:`SecurityController.reset_password` view. :param fn: A function that returns a dictionary of template context variables. """ self._add_ctx_processor('reset_password', fn)
[docs] def change_password_context_processor(self, fn): """ Add a context processor for the :meth:`SecurityController.change_password` view. :param fn: A function that returns a dictionary of template context variables. """ self._add_ctx_processor('change_password', fn)
[docs] def send_confirmation_context_processor(self, fn): """ Add a context processor for the :meth:`SecurityController.send_confirmation_email` view. :param fn: A function that returns a dictionary of template context variables. """ self._add_ctx_processor('send_confirmation_email', fn)
[docs] def mail_context_processor(self, fn): """ Add a context processor to be used when rendering all the email templates. :param fn: A function that returns a dictionary of template context variables. """ self._add_ctx_processor('mail', fn)
def run_ctx_processor(self, endpoint) -> Dict[str, Any]: rv = {} for group in {None, endpoint}: for fn in self._context_processors.setdefault(group, []): rv.update(fn()) return rv # protected def _add_ctx_processor(self, endpoint, fn) -> None: group = self._context_processors.setdefault(endpoint, []) if fn not in group: group.append(fn) ########################################## # protected api methods used by init_app # ########################################## def _get_hashing_context(self, app: FlaskUnchained) -> CryptContext: """ Get the token hashing (and verifying) context. """ return CryptContext(schemes=app.config.SECURITY_HASHING_SCHEMES, deprecated=app.config.SECURITY_DEPRECATED_HASHING_SCHEMES) def _get_login_manager(self, app: FlaskUnchained, anonymous_user: AnonymousUser, ) -> LoginManager: """ Get an initialized instance of Flask Login's :class:`~flask_login.LoginManager`. """ login_manager = LoginManager() login_manager.anonymous_user = anonymous_user or AnonymousUser login_manager.localize_callback = _ login_manager.request_loader(self._request_loader) login_manager.user_loader( # skipcq: PYL-W0108 (unnecessary lambda) lambda *a, **kw: self.security_utils_service.user_loader(*a, **kw)) login_manager.login_view = 'security_controller.login' login_manager.login_message = _( '') login_manager.login_message_category = 'info' login_manager.needs_refresh_message = _( '') login_manager.needs_refresh_message_category = 'info' login_manager.init_app(app) return login_manager def _get_principal(self, app: FlaskUnchained) -> Principal: """ Get an initialized instance of Flask Principal's. :class:~flask_principal.Principal`. """ principal = Principal(app, use_sessions=False) principal.identity_loader(self._identity_loader) return principal def _get_pwd_context(self, app: FlaskUnchained) -> CryptContext: """ Get the password hashing context. """ pw_hash = app.config.SECURITY_PASSWORD_HASH schemes = app.config.SECURITY_PASSWORD_SCHEMES if pw_hash not in schemes: allowed = (', '.join(schemes[:-1]) + ' and ' + schemes[-1]) raise ValueError(f'Invalid password hashing scheme {pw_hash}. ' f'Allowed values are {allowed}.') return CryptContext(schemes=schemes, default=pw_hash, deprecated=app.config.SECURITY_DEPRECATED_PASSWORD_SCHEMES) def _get_serializer(self, app: FlaskUnchained, name: str) -> URLSafeTimedSerializer: """ Get a URLSafeTimedSerializer for the given serialization context name. :param app: the :class:`FlaskUnchained` instance :param name: Serialization context. One of ``confirm``, ``remember``, or ``reset`` :return: URLSafeTimedSerializer """ salt = app.config.get(f'SECURITY_{name.upper()}_SALT', f'security-{name}-salt') return URLSafeTimedSerializer(secret_key=app.config.SECRET_KEY, salt=salt) def _identity_loader(self) -> Union[Identity, None]: """ Identity loading function to be passed to be assigned to the Principal instance returned by :meth:`_get_principal`. """ if not isinstance(current_user._get_current_object(), AnonymousUser): return Identity( def _on_identity_loaded(self, sender, identity: Identity) -> None: """ Callback that runs whenever a new identity has been loaded. """ if hasattr(current_user, 'id'): identity.provides.add(UserNeed( for role in getattr(current_user, 'roles', []): identity.provides.add(RoleNeed( identity.user = current_user def _request_loader(self, request: Request) -> Union[User, AnonymousUser]: """ Attempt to load the user from the request token. """ header_key = self.token_authentication_header args_key = self.token_authentication_key token = request.args.get(args_key, request.headers.get(header_key, None)) if request.is_json: data = request.get_json(silent=True) or {} token = data.get(args_key, token) try: data = self.remember_token_serializer.loads(token, max_age=self.token_max_age) user = self.user_manager.get(data[0]) if user and self.security_utils_service.verify_hash(data[1], user.password): return user except: pass return self.login_manager.anonymous_user()