Source code for

from datetime import datetime, timezone
from flask import abort
from flask_unchained import BundleConfig
from http import HTTPStatus

from .forms import (
from .models import AnonymousUser

[docs]class AuthenticationConfig: """ Config options for logging in and out. """ SECURITY_LOGIN_FORM = LoginForm """ The form class to use for the login view. """ SECURITY_DEFAULT_REMEMBER_ME = False """ Whether or not the login form should default to checking the "Remember me?" option. """ SECURITY_REMEMBER_SALT = 'security-remember-salt' """ Salt used for the remember me cookie token. """ SECURITY_USER_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTES = ['email'] # FIXME-identity """ List of attributes on the user model that can used for logging in with. Each must be unique. """ SECURITY_POST_LOGIN_REDIRECT_ENDPOINT = '/' """ The endpoint or url to redirect to after a successful login. """ SECURITY_POST_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_ENDPOINT = '/' """ The endpoint or url to redirect to after a user logs out. """
[docs]class ChangePasswordConfig: """ Config options for changing passwords """ SECURITY_CHANGEABLE = False """ Whether or not to enable change password functionality. """ SECURITY_CHANGE_PASSWORD_FORM = ChangePasswordForm """ Form class to use for the change password view. """ SECURITY_POST_CHANGE_REDIRECT_ENDPOINT = None """ Endpoint or url to redirect to after the user changes their password. """ SECURITY_SEND_PASSWORD_CHANGED_EMAIL = \ 'mail_bundle' in BundleConfig.current_app.unchained.bundles """ Whether or not to send the user an email when their password has been changed. Defaults to True, and it's strongly recommended to leave this option enabled. """
[docs]class EncryptionConfig: """ Config options for encryption hashing. """ SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT = 'security-password-salt' """ Specifies the HMAC salt. This is only used if the password hash type is set to something other than plain text. """ SECURITY_PASSWORD_HASH = 'bcrypt' """ Specifies the password hash algorithm to use when hashing passwords. Recommended values for production systems are ``argon2``, ``bcrypt``, or ``pbkdf2_sha512``. May require extra packages to be installed. """ SECURITY_PASSWORD_SINGLE_HASH = False """ Specifies that passwords should only be hashed once. By default, passwords are hashed twice, first with SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT, and then with a random salt. May be useful for integrating with other applications. """ SECURITY_PASSWORD_SCHEMES = ['argon2', 'bcrypt', 'pbkdf2_sha512', # and always the last one... 'plaintext'] """ List of algorithms that can be used for hashing passwords. """ SECURITY_PASSWORD_HASH_OPTIONS = {} """ Specifies additional options to be passed to the hashing method. """ SECURITY_DEPRECATED_PASSWORD_SCHEMES = ['auto'] """ List of deprecated algorithms for hashing passwords. """ SECURITY_HASHING_SCHEMES = ['sha512_crypt'] """ List of algorithms that can be used for creating and validating tokens. """ SECURITY_DEPRECATED_HASHING_SCHEMES = [] """ List of deprecated algorithms for creating and validating tokens. """
[docs]class ForgotPasswordConfig: """ Config options for recovering forgotten passwords """ SECURITY_RECOVERABLE = False """ Whether or not to enable forgot password functionality. """ SECURITY_FORGOT_PASSWORD_FORM = ForgotPasswordForm """ Form class to use for the forgot password form. """ # reset password (when the user clicks the link from the email sent by forgot pw) # -------------- SECURITY_RESET_PASSWORD_FORM = ResetPasswordForm """ Form class to use for the reset password form. """ SECURITY_RESET_SALT = 'security-reset-salt' """ Salt used for the reset token. """ SECURITY_RESET_PASSWORD_WITHIN = '5 days' """ Specifies the amount of time a user has before their password reset link expires. Always pluralized the time unit for this value. Defaults to 5 days. """ SECURITY_POST_RESET_REDIRECT_ENDPOINT = None """ Endpoint or url to redirect to after the user resets their password. """ SECURITY_INVALID_RESET_TOKEN_REDIRECT = 'security_controller.forgot_password' """ Endpoint or url to redirect to if the reset token is invalid. """ SECURITY_EXPIRED_RESET_TOKEN_REDIRECT = 'security_controller.forgot_password' """ Endpoint or url to redirect to if the reset token is expired. """ SECURITY_API_RESET_PASSWORD_HTTP_GET_REDIRECT = None """ Endpoint or url to redirect to if a GET request is made to the reset password view. Defaults to None, meaning no redirect. Useful for single page apps. """ SECURITY_SEND_PASSWORD_RESET_NOTICE_EMAIL = \ 'mail_bundle' in BundleConfig.current_app.unchained.bundles """ Whether or not to send the user an email when their password has been reset. Defaults to True, and it's strongly recommended to leave this option enabled. """
[docs]class RegistrationConfig: """ Config options for user registration """ SECURITY_REGISTERABLE = False """ Whether or not to enable registration. """ SECURITY_REGISTER_FORM = RegisterForm """ The form class to use for the register view. """ SECURITY_POST_REGISTER_REDIRECT_ENDPOINT = None """ The endpoint or url to redirect to after a user completes the registration form. """ SECURITY_SEND_REGISTER_EMAIL = \ 'mail_bundle' in BundleConfig.current_app.unchained.bundles """ Whether or not send a welcome email after a user completes the registration form. """ # email confirmation options # -------------------------- SECURITY_CONFIRMABLE = False """ Whether or not to enable required email confirmation for new users. """ SECURITY_SEND_CONFIRMATION_FORM = SendConfirmationForm """ Form class to use for the (re)send confirmation email form. """ SECURITY_CONFIRM_SALT = 'security-confirm-salt' """ Salt used for the confirmation token. """ SECURITY_LOGIN_WITHOUT_CONFIRMATION = False """ Allow users to login without confirming their email first. (This option only applies when :attr:`SECURITY_CONFIRMABLE` is True.) """ SECURITY_CONFIRM_EMAIL_WITHIN = '5 days' """ How long to wait until considering the token in confirmation emails to be expired. """ SECURITY_POST_CONFIRM_REDIRECT_ENDPOINT = None """ Endpoint or url to redirect to after the user confirms their email. Defaults to :attr:`SECURITY_POST_LOGIN_REDIRECT_ENDPOINT`. """ SECURITY_CONFIRM_ERROR_REDIRECT_ENDPOINT = None """ Endpoint to redirect to if there's an error confirming the user's email. """
[docs]class TokenConfig: """ Config options for token authentication. """ SECURITY_TOKEN_AUTHENTICATION_KEY = 'auth_token' """ Specifies the query string parameter to read when using token authentication. """ SECURITY_TOKEN_AUTHENTICATION_HEADER = 'Authentication-Token' """ Specifies the HTTP header to read when using token authentication. """ SECURITY_TOKEN_MAX_AGE = None """ Specifies the number of seconds before an authentication token expires. Defaults to None, meaning the token never expires. """
[docs]class Config(AuthenticationConfig, ChangePasswordConfig, EncryptionConfig, ForgotPasswordConfig, RegistrationConfig, TokenConfig, BundleConfig): """ Config options for the Security Bundle. """ SECURITY_ANONYMOUS_USER = AnonymousUser """ Class to use for representing anonymous users. """ SECURITY_UNAUTHORIZED_CALLBACK = lambda: abort(HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED) """ This callback gets called when authorization fails. By default we abort with an HTTP status code of 401 (UNAUTHORIZED). """ # make datetimes timezone-aware by default SECURITY_DATETIME_FACTORY = lambda: """ Factory function to use when creating new dates. By default we use ```` to create a timezone-aware datetime. """ ADMIN_CATEGORY_ICON_CLASSES = { 'Security': 'fa fa-lock', }
[docs]class TestConfig(Config): """ Default test settings for the Security Bundle. """ SECURITY_PASSWORD_HASH = 'plaintext' """ Disable password-hashing in tests (shaves about 30% off the test-run time) """