Source code for flask_unchained.bundles.mail.config

import os

from flask_unchained import BundleConfig
from flask_unchained.utils import get_boolean_env

from .utils import _send_mail

[docs]class Config(BundleConfig): """ Default configuration options for the mail bundle. """ MAIL_SERVER = os.getenv('FLASK_MAIL_SERVER', '') """ The hostname/IP of the mail server. """ MAIL_PORT = int(os.getenv('FLASK_MAIL_PORT', "25")) """ The port the mail server is running on. """ MAIL_USERNAME = os.getenv('FLASK_MAIL_USERNAME', None) """ The username to connect to the mail server with, if any. """ MAIL_PASSWORD = os.getenv('FLASK_MAIL_PASSWORD', None) """ The password to connect to the mail server with, if any. """ MAIL_USE_TLS = get_boolean_env('FLASK_MAIL_USE_TLS', False) """ Whether or not to use TLS. """ MAIL_USE_SSL = get_boolean_env('FLASK_MAIL_USE_SSL', False) """ Whether or not to use SSL. """ MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER = os.getenv( 'FLASK_MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER', f"Flask Mail <noreply@{os.getenv('FLASK_DOMAIN', 'localhost')}>") """ The default sender to use, if none is specified otherwise. """ MAIL_SEND_FN = _send_mail """ The function to use for sending emails. Defaults to :func:`~flask_unchained.bundles.mail.utils._send_mail`. Any customized send function must implement the same function signature:: def send_mail(subject_or_message: Optional[Union[str, Message]] = None, to: Optional[Union[str, List[str]] = None, template: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs): # ... NOTE: `subject_or_message` is optional because you can also pass `subject` as a keyword argument, and `to` is optional because you can also pass `recipients` as a keyword argument. These are artifacts of backwards-compatibility with vanilla Flask-Mail. """ MAIL_DEBUG = 0 """ The debug level to set for interactions with the mail server. """ MAIL_MAX_EMAILS = os.getenv('FLASK_MAIL_MAX_EMAILS', None) """ The maximum number of emails to send per connection with the mail server. """ MAIL_SUPPRESS_SEND = False """ Whether or not to actually send emails, or just pretend to. This is mainly useful for testing. """ MAIL_ASCII_ATTACHMENTS = get_boolean_env('FLASK_MAIL_ASCII_ATTACHMENTS', False) """ Whether or not to coerce attachment filenames to ASCII. """
[docs]class DevConfig(Config): """ Development-specific config options for the mail bundle. """ MAIL_DEBUG = 1 """ Set the mail server debug level to 1 in development. """ MAIL_PORT = int(os.getenv('FLASK_MAIL_PORT', "1025")) # MailHog """ In development, the mail bundle is configured to connect to MailHog. """
[docs]class ProdConfig(Config): """ Production-specific config options for the mail bundle. """ MAIL_PORT = int(os.getenv('FLASK_MAIL_PORT', "465")) """ In production, the mail bundle is configured to connect using SSL. """ MAIL_USE_SSL = get_boolean_env('FLASK_MAIL_USE_SSL', True) """ Set use SSL to ``True`` in production. """
[docs]class StagingConfig(ProdConfig): """ Inherit settings from production. """
[docs]class TestConfig(Config): """ Test-specific config options for the mail bundle. """ MAIL_SUPPRESS_SEND = True """ Do not actually send emails when running tests. """
__all__ = [ 'Config', 'DevConfig', 'ProdConfig', 'TestConfig', ]