Source code for flask_unchained.bundles.api.config

from flask import jsonify
from flask_unchained import BundleConfig
from flask_unchained.string_utils import camel_case, snake_case

[docs]class Config(BundleConfig): """ Default config settings for the API Bundle. """ API_OPENAPI_VERSION = '3.0.2' API_REDOC_SOURCE_URL = \ '' API_TITLE = None API_VERSION = 1 API_DESCRIPTION = None API_APISPEC_PLUGINS = None DUMP_KEY_FN = camel_case """ An optional function to use for converting keys when dumping data to send over the wire. By default, we convert snake_case to camelCase. """ LOAD_KEY_FN = snake_case """ An optional function to use for converting keys received over the wire to the backend's representation. By default, we convert camelCase to snake_case. """ ACCEPT_HANDLERS = {'application/json': jsonify} """ Functions to use for converting response data for Accept headers. """