Source code for flask_unchained.string_utils

import re
import unicodedata

# alias these to the string_utils module
from .clips_pattern import de_camel, pluralize, singularize  # skipcq (aliases)

[docs]def camel_case(string): """ Converts a string to camel case. For example:: camel_case('one_two_three') -> 'oneTwoThree' """ if not string: return string parts = snake_case(string).split('_') rv = '' while parts: part = parts.pop(0) rv += part or '_' if part: break return rv + ''.join(x.title() for x in parts)
[docs]def class_case(string): """ Converts a string to class case. For example:: class_case('one_two_three') -> 'OneTwoThree' """ if not string: return string string = string.replace(' ', '_').replace('-', '_') parts = de_camel(string, '_', _lowercase=False).split('_') rv = '' while parts: part = parts.pop(0) rv += part.title() or '_' if part: break return rv + ''.join(part if part.isupper() else part.title() for part in parts)
[docs]def kebab_case(string): """ Converts a string to kebab case. For example:: kebab_case('one_two_three') -> 'one-two-three' NOTE: To generate valid slugs, use :meth:`slugify` """ if not string: return string string = string.replace('_', '-').replace(' ', '-') return de_camel(string, '-')
[docs]def right_replace(string, old, new, count=1): """ Right replaces ``count`` occurrences of ``old`` with ``new`` in ``string``. For example:: right_replace('one_two_two', 'two', 'three') -> 'one_two_three' """ if not string: return string return new.join(string.rsplit(old, count))
[docs]def slugify(string): """ Converts a string into a url-safe slug. For example:: slugify('Hello World') -> 'hello-world' """ if not string: return string string = re.sub(r'[^\w\s-]', '', unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', de_camel(string, '-')) .encode('ascii', 'ignore') .decode('ascii')).strip() return re.sub(r'[-_\s]+', '-', string).strip('-').lower()
[docs]def snake_case(string): """ Converts a string to snake case. For example:: snake_case('OneTwoThree') -> 'one_two_three' """ if not string: return string string = string.replace('-', '_').replace(' ', '_') return de_camel(string)
[docs]def title_case(string): """ Converts a string to title case. For example:: title_case('one_two_three') -> 'One Two Three' """ if not string: return string string = string.replace('_', ' ').replace('-', ' ') parts = de_camel(string, ' ', _lowercase=False).strip().split(' ') return ' '.join(part if part.isupper() else part.title() for part in parts)