Source code for flask_babelex

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Implements i18n/l10n support for Flask applications based on Babel.

    :copyright: (c) 2013 by Serge S. Koval, Armin Ronacher and contributors.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os

# this is a workaround for a snow leopard bug that babel does not
# work around :)
if os.environ.get('LC_CTYPE', '').lower() == 'utf-8':
    os.environ['LC_CTYPE'] = 'en_US.utf-8'

from datetime import datetime
from flask import _request_ctx_stack
from babel import dates, numbers, support, Locale
from import NullTranslations
from werkzeug.datastructures import ImmutableDict
    from pytz.gae import pytz
except ImportError:
    from pytz import timezone, UTC
    timezone = pytz.timezone
    UTC = pytz.UTC

from flask_babelex._compat import string_types

_DEFAULT_LOCALE = Locale.parse('en')

class Babel(object):
    """Central controller class that can be used to configure how
    Flask-Babel behaves.  Each application that wants to use Flask-Babel
    has to create, or run :meth:`init_app` on, an instance of this class
    after the configuration was initialized.

    default_date_formats = ImmutableDict({
        'time':             'medium',
        'date':             'medium',
        'datetime':         'medium',
        'time.short':       None,
        'time.medium':      None,
        'time.full':        None,
        'time.long':        None,
        'date.short':       None,
        'date.medium':      None,
        'date.full':        None,
        'date.long':        None,
        'datetime.short':   None,
        'datetime.medium':  None,
        'datetime.full':    None,
        'datetime.long':    None,

    def __init__(self, app=None, default_locale='en', default_timezone='UTC',
                 date_formats=None, configure_jinja=True, default_domain=None):
        self._default_locale = default_locale
        self._default_timezone = default_timezone
        self._date_formats = date_formats
        self._configure_jinja = configure_jinja = app

        self._locale_cache = dict()

        if default_domain is None:
            self._default_domain = Domain()
            self._default_domain = default_domain

        self.locale_selector_func = None
        self.timezone_selector_func = None

        if app is not None:

    def init_app(self, app):
        """Set up this instance for use with *app*, if no app was passed to
        the constructor.
        """ = app
        app.babel_instance = self
        if not hasattr(app, 'extensions'):
            app.extensions = {}
        app.extensions['babel'] = self

        app.config.setdefault('BABEL_DEFAULT_LOCALE', self._default_locale)
        app.config.setdefault('BABEL_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE', self._default_timezone)
        if self._date_formats is None:
            self._date_formats = self.default_date_formats.copy()

        #: a mapping of Babel datetime format strings that can be modified
        #: to change the defaults.  If you invoke :func:`format_datetime`
        #: and do not provide any format string Flask-Babel will do the
        #: following things:
        #: 1.   look up ``date_formats['datetime']``.  By default ``'medium'``
        #:      is returned to enforce medium length datetime formats.
        #: 2.   ``date_formats['datetime.medium'] (if ``'medium'`` was
        #:      returned in step one) is looked up.  If the return value
        #:      is anything but `None` this is used as new format string.
        #:      otherwise the default for that language is used.
        self.date_formats = self._date_formats

        if self._configure_jinja:

                lambda x: get_domain().get_translations().ugettext(x),
                lambda s, p, n: get_domain().get_translations().ungettext(s, p, n),

    def localeselector(self, f):
        """Registers a callback function for locale selection.  The default
        behaves as if a function was registered that returns `None` all the
        time.  If `None` is returned, the locale falls back to the one from
        the configuration.

        This has to return the locale as string (eg: ``'de_AT'``, ''`en_US`'')
        assert self.locale_selector_func is None, \
            'a localeselector function is already registered'
        self.locale_selector_func = f
        return f

    def timezoneselector(self, f):
        """Registers a callback function for timezone selection.  The default
        behaves as if a function was registered that returns `None` all the
        time.  If `None` is returned, the timezone falls back to the one from
        the configuration.

        This has to return the timezone as string (eg: ``'Europe/Vienna'``)
        assert self.timezone_selector_func is None, \
            'a timezoneselector function is already registered'
        self.timezone_selector_func = f
        return f

    def list_translations(self):
        """Returns a list of all the locales translations exist for.  The
        list returned will be filled with actual locale objects and not just

        .. versionadded:: 0.6
        dirname = os.path.join(, 'translations')
        if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
            return []
        result = []
        for folder in os.listdir(dirname):
            locale_dir = os.path.join(dirname, folder, 'LC_MESSAGES')
            if not os.path.isdir(locale_dir):
            if filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.mo'), os.listdir(locale_dir)):
        if not result:
        return result

    def default_locale(self):
        """The default locale from the configuration as instance of a
        `babel.Locale` object.
        return self.load_locale(['BABEL_DEFAULT_LOCALE'])

    def default_timezone(self):
        """The default timezone from the configuration as instance of a
        `pytz.timezone` object.
        return timezone(['BABEL_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE'])

    def load_locale(self, locale):
        """Load locale by name and cache it. Returns instance of a `babel.Locale`
        rv = self._locale_cache.get(locale)
        if rv is None:
            self._locale_cache[locale] = rv = Locale.parse(locale)
        return rv

def get_locale():
    """Returns the locale that should be used for this request as
    `babel.Locale` object.  This returns `None` if used outside of
    a request. If flask-babel was not attached to the Flask application,
    will return 'en' locale.
    ctx =
    if ctx is None:
        return None

    locale = getattr(ctx, 'babel_locale', None)
    if locale is None:
        babel ='babel')

        if babel is None:
            locale = _DEFAULT_LOCALE
            if babel.locale_selector_func is not None:
                rv = babel.locale_selector_func()
                if rv is None:
                    locale = babel.default_locale
                    locale = babel.load_locale(rv)
                locale = babel.default_locale

        ctx.babel_locale = locale

    return locale

def get_timezone():
    """Returns the timezone that should be used for this request as
    `pytz.timezone` object.  This returns `None` if used outside of
    a request. If flask-babel was not attached to application, will
    return UTC timezone object.
    ctx =
    tzinfo = getattr(ctx, 'babel_tzinfo', None)

    if tzinfo is None:
        babel ='babel')

        if babel is None:
            tzinfo = UTC
            if babel.timezone_selector_func is None:
                tzinfo = babel.default_timezone
                rv = babel.timezone_selector_func()
                if rv is None:
                    tzinfo = babel.default_timezone
                    if isinstance(rv, string_types):
                        tzinfo = timezone(rv)
                        tzinfo = rv

        ctx.babel_tzinfo = tzinfo

    return tzinfo

def refresh():
    """Refreshes the cached timezones and locale information.  This can
    be used to switch a translation between a request and if you want
    the changes to take place immediately, not just with the next request::

        user.timezone = request.form['timezone']
        user.locale = request.form['locale']
        flash(gettext('Language was changed'))

    Without that refresh, the :func:`~flask.flash` function would probably
    return English text and a now German page.
    ctx =
    for key in 'babel_locale', 'babel_tzinfo':
        if hasattr(ctx, key):
            delattr(ctx, key)

def _get_format(key, format):
    """A small helper for the datetime formatting functions.  Looks up
    format defaults for different kinds.
    babel ='babel')

    if babel is not None:
        formats = babel.date_formats
        formats = Babel.default_date_formats

    if format is None:
        format = formats[key]
    if format in ('short', 'medium', 'full', 'long'):
        rv = formats['%s.%s' % (key, format)]
        if rv is not None:
            format = rv
    return format

def to_user_timezone(datetime):
    """Convert a datetime object to the user's timezone.  This automatically
    happens on all date formatting unless rebasing is disabled.  If you need
    to convert a :class:`datetime.datetime` object at any time to the user's
    timezone (as returned by :func:`get_timezone` this function can be used).
    if datetime.tzinfo is None:
        datetime = datetime.replace(tzinfo=UTC)
    tzinfo = get_timezone()
    return tzinfo.normalize(datetime.astimezone(tzinfo))

def to_utc(datetime):
    """Convert a datetime object to UTC and drop tzinfo.  This is the
    opposite operation to :func:`to_user_timezone`.
    if datetime.tzinfo is None:
        datetime = get_timezone().localize(datetime)
    return datetime.astimezone(UTC).replace(tzinfo=None)

def format_datetime(datetime=None, format=None, rebase=True):
    """Return a date formatted according to the given pattern.  If no
    :class:`~datetime.datetime` object is passed, the current time is
    assumed.  By default rebasing happens which causes the object to
    be converted to the users's timezone (as returned by
    :func:`to_user_timezone`).  This function formats both date and

    The format parameter can either be ``'short'``, ``'medium'``,
    ``'long'`` or ``'full'`` (in which cause the language's default for
    that setting is used, or the default from the :attr:`Babel.date_formats`
    mapping is used) or a format string as documented by Babel.

    This function is also available in the template context as filter
    named `datetimeformat`.
    format = _get_format('datetime', format)
    return _date_format(dates.format_datetime, datetime, format, rebase)

def format_date(date=None, format=None, rebase=True):
    """Return a date formatted according to the given pattern.  If no
    :class:`~datetime.datetime` or :class:`` object is passed,
    the current time is assumed.  By default rebasing happens which causes
    the object to be converted to the users's timezone (as returned by
    :func:`to_user_timezone`).  This function only formats the date part
    of a :class:`~datetime.datetime` object.

    The format parameter can either be ``'short'``, ``'medium'``,
    ``'long'`` or ``'full'`` (in which cause the language's default for
    that setting is used, or the default from the :attr:`Babel.date_formats`
    mapping is used) or a format string as documented by Babel.

    This function is also available in the template context as filter
    named `dateformat`.
    if rebase and isinstance(date, datetime):
        date = to_user_timezone(date)
    format = _get_format('date', format)
    return _date_format(dates.format_date, date, format, rebase)

def format_time(time=None, format=None, rebase=True):
    """Return a time formatted according to the given pattern.  If no
    :class:`~datetime.datetime` object is passed, the current time is
    assumed.  By default rebasing happens which causes the object to
    be converted to the users's timezone (as returned by
    :func:`to_user_timezone`).  This function formats both date and

    The format parameter can either be ``'short'``, ``'medium'``,
    ``'long'`` or ``'full'`` (in which cause the language's default for
    that setting is used, or the default from the :attr:`Babel.date_formats`
    mapping is used) or a format string as documented by Babel.

    This function is also available in the template context as filter
    named `timeformat`.
    format = _get_format('time', format)
    return _date_format(dates.format_time, time, format, rebase)

def format_timedelta(datetime_or_timedelta, granularity='second'):
    """Format the elapsed time from the given date to now or the given
    timedelta.  This currently requires an unreleased development
    version of Babel.

    This function is also available in the template context as filter
    named `timedeltaformat`.
    if isinstance(datetime_or_timedelta, datetime):
        datetime_or_timedelta = datetime.utcnow() - datetime_or_timedelta
    return dates.format_timedelta(datetime_or_timedelta, granularity,

def _date_format(formatter, obj, format, rebase, **extra):
    """Internal helper that formats the date."""
    locale = get_locale()
    extra = {}
    if formatter is not dates.format_date and rebase:
        extra['tzinfo'] = get_timezone()
    return formatter(obj, format, locale=locale, **extra)

def format_number(number):
    """Return the given number formatted for the locale in request

    :param number: the number to format
    :return: the formatted number
    :rtype: unicode
    locale = get_locale()
    return numbers.format_number(number, locale=locale)

def format_decimal(number, format=None):
    """Return the given decimal number formatted for the locale in request

    :param number: the number to format
    :param format: the format to use
    :return: the formatted number
    :rtype: unicode
    locale = get_locale()
    return numbers.format_decimal(number, format=format, locale=locale)

def format_currency(number, currency, format=None):
    """Return the given number formatted for the locale in request

    :param number: the number to format
    :param currency: the currency code
    :param format: the format to use
    :return: the formatted number
    :rtype: unicode
    locale = get_locale()
    return numbers.format_currency(
        number, currency, format=format, locale=locale

def format_percent(number, format=None):
    """Return formatted percent value for the locale in request

    :param number: the number to format
    :param format: the format to use
    :return: the formatted percent number
    :rtype: unicode
    locale = get_locale()
    return numbers.format_percent(number, format=format, locale=locale)

def format_scientific(number, format=None):
    """Return value formatted in scientific notation for the locale in request

    :param number: the number to format
    :param format: the format to use
    :return: the formatted percent number
    :rtype: unicode
    locale = get_locale()
    return numbers.format_scientific(number, format=format, locale=locale)

class Domain(object):
    """Localization domain. By default will use look for tranlations in Flask application directory
    and "messages" domain - all message catalogs should be called ````.
    def __init__(self, dirname=None, domain='messages'):
        self.dirname = dirname
        self.domain = domain

        self.cache = dict()

    def as_default(self):
        """Set this domain as default for the current request"""
        ctx =
        if ctx is None:
            raise RuntimeError("No request context")

        ctx.babel_domain = self

    def get_translations_cache(self, ctx):
        """Returns dictionary-like object for translation caching"""
        return self.cache

    def get_translations_path(self, ctx):
        """Returns translations directory path. Override if you want
        to implement custom behavior.
        return self.dirname or os.path.join(, 'translations')

    def get_translations(self):
        """Returns the correct gettext translations that should be used for
        this request.  This will never fail and return a dummy translation
        object if used outside of the request or if a translation cannot be
        ctx =
        if ctx is None:
            return NullTranslations()

        locale = get_locale()

        cache = self.get_translations_cache(ctx)

        translations = cache.get(str(locale))
        if translations is None:
            dirname = self.get_translations_path(ctx)
            translations = support.Translations.load(dirname,
            cache[str(locale)] = translations

        return translations

    def gettext(self, string, **variables):
        """Translates a string with the current locale and passes in the
        given keyword arguments as mapping to a string formatting string.


            gettext(u'Hello World!')
            gettext(u'Hello %(name)s!', name='World')
        t = self.get_translations()
        if variables:
            return t.ugettext(string) % variables
            return t.ugettext(string)

    def ngettext(self, singular, plural, num, **variables):
        """Translates a string with the current locale and passes in the
        given keyword arguments as mapping to a string formatting string.
        The `num` parameter is used to dispatch between singular and various
        plural forms of the message.  It is available in the format string
        as ``%(num)d`` or ``%(num)s``.  The source language should be
        English or a similar language which only has one plural form.


            ngettext(u'%(num)d Apple', u'%(num)d Apples', num=len(apples))
        variables.setdefault('num', num)
        t = self.get_translations()
        return t.ungettext(singular, plural, num) % variables

    def pgettext(self, context, string, **variables):
        """Like :func:`gettext` but with a context.

        .. versionadded:: 0.7
        t = self.get_translations()
        return t.upgettext(context, string) % variables

    def npgettext(self, context, singular, plural, num, **variables):
        """Like :func:`ngettext` but with a context.

        .. versionadded:: 0.7
        variables.setdefault('num', num)
        t = self.get_translations()
        return t.unpgettext(context, singular, plural, num) % variables

    def lazy_gettext(self, string, **variables):
        """Like :func:`gettext` but the string returned is lazy which means
        it will be translated when it is used as an actual string.


            hello = lazy_gettext(u'Hello World')

            def index():
                return unicode(hello)
        from speaklater import make_lazy_string
        return make_lazy_string(self.gettext, string, **variables)

    def lazy_pgettext(self, context, string, **variables):
        """Like :func:`pgettext` but the string returned is lazy which means
        it will be translated when it is used as an actual string.

        .. versionadded:: 0.7
        from speaklater import make_lazy_string
        return make_lazy_string(self.pgettext, context, string, **variables)

# This is the domain that will be used if there is no request context (and thus no app)
# or if the app isn't initialized for babel. Note that if there is no request context,
# then the standard Domain will use NullTranslations
domain = Domain()

def get_domain():
    """Return the correct translation domain that is used for this request.
    This will return the default domain (e.g. "messages" in <approot>/translations")
    if none is set for this request.
    ctx =
    if ctx is None:
        return domain

        return ctx.babel_domain
    except AttributeError:

    babel ='babel')
    if babel is not None:
        d = babel._default_domain
        d = domain

    ctx.babel_domain = d
    return d

# Create shortcuts for the default Flask domain
def gettext(*args, **kwargs):
    return get_domain().gettext(*args, **kwargs)
_ = gettext
def ngettext(*args, **kwargs):
    return get_domain().ngettext(*args, **kwargs)
def pgettext(*args, **kwargs):
    return get_domain().pgettext(*args, **kwargs)
def npgettext(*args, **kwargs):
    return get_domain().npgettext(*args, **kwargs)
def lazy_gettext(*args, **kwargs):
    from speaklater import make_lazy_string
    return make_lazy_string(gettext, *args, **kwargs)
def lazy_pgettext(*args, **kwargs):
    from speaklater import make_lazy_string
    return make_lazy_string(pgettext, *args, **kwargs)