Getting Started --------------- Install Flask Unchained ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Create a new directory and enter it: .. code:: bash mkdir hello-flask-unchained && cd hello-flask-unchained The tutorial will assume you’re working from the ``hello-flask-unchained`` directory from now on. All commands are assumed to be run from this top-level project directory, and the file names at the top of each code block are also relative to this directory. Next, let's create a new virtualenv, install Flask Unchained into it, and activate it: .. code:: bash # create our virtualenv and activate it python3 -m venv venv && . venv/bin/activate # install flask-unchained pip install "flask-unchained[dev]" # reactivate the virtualenv so that pytest will work correctly deactivate && . venv/bin/activate .. admonition:: Python Virtual Environments :class: note There are other ways to create virtualenvs for Python, and if you have a different preferred method that's fine, but you should always use a virtualenv by some way or another. Project Layout ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Just like Flask, Flask Unchained apps can be written either as a single file or in multiple files following a (configurable) naming convention. A large project might have a folder structure that looks like this:: /home/user/dev/hello-flask-unchained ├── app # your app bundle package │ ├── admins # model admins │ ├── commands # click groups/commands │ ├── extensions # extension instances │ ├── models # sqlalchemy models │ ├── serializers # marshmallow serializers (aka schemas) │ ├── services # dependency-injectable services │ ├── tasks # celery tasks │ ├── templates # jinja templates │ ├── views # controllers and resources │ ├── │ ├── # app config │ └── # declarative routes ├── assets # static assets to be handled by Webpack │ ├── images │ ├── scripts │ └── styles ├── bundles # third-party bundle extensions/overrides │ └── security # a customized/extended Security Bundle │ ├── models │ ├── serializers │ ├── templates │ └── ├── db │ ├── fixtures # sqlalchemy model fixtures (for seeding the dev db) │ └── migrations # alembic migrations (generated by flask-migrate) ├── static # static assets (Webpack compiles to here, and Flask │ # serves this folder at /static (by default)) ├── templates # the top-level templates folder ├── tests # your pytest tests ├── webpack # Webpack configs └── # the flask unchained config By the end of this tutorial, we'll have built something very close. But for now, let's start with the basics. A Minimal Hello World App ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The starting project layout of our hello world app is three files: .. code:: bash /home/user/dev/hello-flask-unchained ├── ├── └── Let's create them: .. code:: bash touch And the code: .. code-block:: :linenos: # BUNDLES = [ 'app', ] .. code-block:: :linenos: # from flask_unchained import AppBundle, Controller, route class App(AppBundle): pass class SiteController(Controller): @route('/') def index(self): return 'Hello World!' Whenever you create a new app in Flask Unchained, you start by creating a new "app bundle": This is an overloaded term. The app bundle, conceptually, *is* your app. Literally, the app bundle is a subclass of :class:`~flask_unchained.AppBundle` that must live in your app bundle's module root (`` here). We can now start the development server with ``flask run`` and you should see your site running at ``_:: flask run * Environment: development * Debug mode: on * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) Let's add a quick test before we continue. .. code:: python # class TestSiteController: def test_index(self, client): r = client.get('site_controller.index') assert r.status_code == 200 assert r.html.count('Hello World!') == 1 Here, we're using the HTTP ``client`` pytest fixture to request the URL for the endpoint ``"site_controller.index"``, verifying the response has a status code of ``200``, and lastly checking that the string ``"Hello World!"`` is in the response. Let's make sure it passes: .. code:: bash pytest ======================== test session starts ======================== platform linux -- Python 3.6.6, pytest-3.6.4, py-1.5.4, pluggy-0.7.1 rootdir: /home/user/dev/hello-flask-unchained, inifile: plugins: flask-0.10.0, Flask-Unchained-0.8.0 collected 1 item . [100%] ======================== 1 passed in 0.18 seconds ==================== NOTE: If you get any errors, you may need to deactivate and reactivate your virtualenv if you haven't already since installing ``pytest``. If you haven't already, now would be a good time to initialize a git repo and make our first commit. Before we do that though, let's add a ``.gitignore`` file to make sure we don't commit anything that shouldn't be. .. code:: bash # .gitignore *.egg-info *.pyc .coverage .cache/ .pytest_cache/ .tox/ __pycache__/ build/ coverage_html_report/ db/*.sqlite dist/ docs/_build venv/ Initialize the repo and make our first commit: .. code:: bash git init git add . # review to make sure it's not going to do anything you don't want it to: git status git commit -m 'initial hello world commit' OK, everything works, but this is about as basic as it gets. Let's make things a bit more interesting by moving on to :doc:`views_templates_and_static_assets`.