Mail Bundle ----------- Integrates `Flask Mail `_ with Flask Unchained. Installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Install dependencies: .. code:: bash pip install "flask-unchained[mail]" And enable the bundle in your ````: .. code:: python # your_project_root/ BUNDLES = [ # ... 'flask_unchained.bundles.mail', 'app', ] NOTE: If you have enabled the :doc:`celery`, and want to send emails asynchronously using Celery, then you must list the celery bundle *after* the mail bundle in ``BUNDLES``. Config ^^^^^^ .. automodule:: flask_unchained.bundles.mail.config :members: :noindex: Usage ^^^^^ After configuring the bundle, usage is simple:: from flask_unchained.bundles.mail import mail mail.send_message('hello world', to='') ``mail`` is an instance of the :class:`~flask_unchained.bundles.mail.Mail` extension, and :meth:`~flask_unchained.bundles.mail.Mail.send_message` is the only public method on it. Technically, it's an alias for :meth:`~flask_unchained.bundles.mail.Mail.send`, which you can also use. (The :meth:`~flask_unchained.bundles.mail.Mail.send` method is maintained for backwards compatibility with the stock Flask Mail extension, although it has a different but compatible function signature than the original - we don't require that you manually create :class:`~flask_mail.Message` instances yourself before calling :meth:`~flask_unchained.bundles.mail.Mail.send`.) Commands ^^^^^^^^ .. click:: flask_unchained.bundles.mail.commands:mail :prog: flask mail :show-nested: pytest fixtures ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The mail bundle includes one pytest fixture, :func:`~flask_unchained.bundles.mail.pytest.outbox`, that you can use to verify that emails were sent:: def test_something(client, outbox): r = client.get('') assert len(outbox) == 1 assert outbox[0].subject == 'hello world' assert 'hello world' in outbox[0].html API Docs ^^^^^^^^ See :doc:`../api/mail-bundle`