Celery Bundle ------------- Integrates `Celery `_ with Flask Unchained. Dependencies ^^^^^^^^^^^^ * A `broker `_ of some sort; Redis or RabbitMQ are popular choices. Installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Install dependencies: .. code:: bash pip install "flask-unchained[celery]" And enable the celery bundle in your ``unchained_config.py``: .. code:: python # your_project_root/unchained_config.py BUNDLES = [ # ... 'flask_unchained.bundles.celery', 'app', ] NOTE: If you have enabled the :doc:`mail`, and want to send emails asynchronously using celery, then you must list the celery bundle *after* the mail bundle in ``BUNDLES``. Config ^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: flask_unchained.bundles.celery.config.Config :members: :noindex: Commands ^^^^^^^^ .. click:: flask_unchained.bundles.celery.commands:celery :prog: flask celery :show-nested: API Docs ^^^^^^^^ See :doc:`../api/celery-bundle`