Source code for

from flask import abort, request
from flask_principal import Permission, UserNeed
from functools import wraps
from http import HTTPStatus

from .auth_required import auth_required

[docs]def auth_required_same_user(*args, **kwargs): """ Decorator for requiring an authenticated user to be the same as the user in the URL parameters. By default the user url parameter name to lookup is ``id``, but this can be customized by passing an argument:: @auth_require_same_user('user_id') @bp.route('/users/<int:user_id>/foo/<int:id>') def get(user_id, id): # do stuff Any keyword arguments are passed along to the @auth_required decorator, so roles can also be specified in the same was as it, eg:: @auth_required_same_user('user_id', role='ROLE_ADMIN') Aborts with ``HTTP 403: Forbidden`` if the user-check fails. """ auth_kwargs = {} user_id_parameter_name = 'id' if not (args and callable(args[0])): auth_kwargs = kwargs if args and isinstance(args[0], str): user_id_parameter_name = args[0] def wrapper(fn): @wraps(fn) @auth_required(**auth_kwargs) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): try: user_id = request.view_args[user_id_parameter_name] except KeyError: raise KeyError('Unable to find the user lookup parameter ' f'{user_id_parameter_name} in the url args') if not Permission(UserNeed(user_id)).can(): abort(HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN) return fn(*args, **kwargs) return decorated if args and callable(args[0]): return wrapper(args[0]) return wrapper